Monday, March 16, 2009


I need something funny here to counteract the debbie-downerness of my last post. Well, I'm not feeling super funny, but I am feeling better. The weather is getting nice and I was able to enjoy the breeze all day at work. After work, Tilly and I went for a long walk which was good for both of us. Then I swung by the library and went tanning. I grabbed some food and came home for my favorite TV night. So I realize this doesn't sound like a huge improvement from where I was two days ago, but I'm getting there. I even think I might try and work out in the morning. We'll see. :-)

Tomorrow is St. Patty's Day so that should be fun. I hope so at least.

Kiss me I'm 1/5th Irish!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I like watching the puddles gather rain...

Update: My life is lame. I stayed in and watched Dexter all night Saturday. I looked damn cute though. Such a shame. I was hopeful that somebody would give me a call or swing by and pick me up, but of course that didn't happen. That never happens. I just don't know what to do to make that happen. I know I sound so pathetic and I hate that. But I'm a fun and cool person. Why don't people want to hang out with me? Is there something I could be doing to get myself out there more? Obviously, I'm not going to meet anybody staying in every night. Help, please. Seriously.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

All I can say is that my life is pretty....TBD

I just want to start drinking. Is there anything wrong with that? I'm working my bazillionth Saturday in a row and I am ready to go home. It has been dead today, and the only thing keeping me going is Pandora. And now I've got everyone else listening to it today, too. Well, I guess by "everyone", I mean Soups. Everyone who's anyone, at least. Isn't that right, Soups?? And, I missed Ami's baby shower because I had to be here. I'm not really sure how important it was for me to be here. My phone has rung 6 times, once it was my mom, once it was Ashlee, twice it was Soups and twice it was Joey. (I'm transitioning from Joe to Joey - it's way more fun calling you Joey) Isn't it funny how I act like anybody is reading this besides Soups and my sister? Speaking of....I'm gonna throw some mad props to my man, Soups for also working a bazillion Saturdays in a row. It's not fun so I've got love for you for that.

Pandora: I started out the morning with a George Harrison station then rolled that into a little old school John Mayer station (no, you can't pick "old school" John Mayer as an inspiration, but it would be cool if you could.) Then went with some up-beat country (Zac Brown Band) then some chill country (Carrie Underwood) and now I'm in the final stretch of my day so I need some Katy Perry to get me through.

I want to go out tonight so I'm trying to make that happen. I'm not really doing so well so far. Ashlee is in town so I thought she'd come out with me, but no, she has other plans. Whatever. So I'm trying to find someone else to tag along with. I really need some girl friends. It's too bad you can't take dogs to bars.

I've been waiting all fricking day for the stupid sun to come out, but it hasn't happened yet. It was supposed to be nice today. Actually I have no idea where I heard that. I think I got that weather report by means of a long game of telephone. I guess cloudy and cold is what I deserve. Come on Spring!! I am so ready.

Well, I only have about 25 more minutes so wish me luck, and hopefully things will come together and I won't end up drinking with Tilly at home tonight....

K-Shon out. Peace.