Thursday, July 17, 2008

The mystical powers of my engagement ring...??

About two and a half months ago, the diamond popped out of my engagement ring. I mailed it to the jeweler who had to ship it to be fixed. A week or two after that Mark decided he didn't want to be married. Today, the ring came back. As crazy as it crazy as I am, I think that I have thought that maybe when I had that ring back, back in my possession, Mark might change his mind. Like the ring had some sort of magical power, and when it was 3,000 miles away those powers were weakened. Now that it is back, maybe those powers will start working again.

This is what I was thinking this afternoon right before I pulled my head out of the clouds. The problem is I like it in those clouds. I hate it down here. I am still in complete denial 85% of the time. Today, Mark said that he couldn't afford to file the divorce papers right now so this goes on. Is that the only reason he hasn't filed them? Probably, but I can still come up with a thousand other reasons why he's stalling, none of which are true.

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