Friday, August 21, 2009

Feels like Wednesday...

I know I haven't written forever, but my computer's been broken. I keep thinking of things to write about, but I don't have anywhere to write they've been going in my private diary instead, which I guess is good for my future grandchildren who I assume will eventually find it after my death and read about all the not so wild escapades of their grandmother, but not so good for you, my readers. I only hope you can forgive me.

So it's Friday afternoon, going on evening and once again I have no plans. I've been feeling sorry for myself the last couple weeks, but I've come to the conclusion that that isn't doing anything for me. So to clarify, that is not what I am doing right now.

I've come to another conclusion in my absence. My posts lately haven't been as good as they were a year ago because I'm censoring myself more than I used to. I think this is mostly due to the fact that there's a chance that the people in my stories could be reading this which wasn't so much the case last year. And whether it's a fear of hurting feelings or embarassing myself, I leave out most of the good stuff and what's left is hardly worth reading. I'm going to work on that because the truth is that nobody really reads this so the odds of somebody reading something I don't want them to read are pretty slim. I'm still doing it though....right now, I'm afraid to write what I want to. I'll try baby steps, maybe.

For the last couple of weeks, Ashlee has been talking about moving down here and, most likely, moving in with me. This was originally my idea because we're both pretty lonely most of the time and she's living in Lafayette which is no fun. She was excited of course and began applying for jobs, but isn't so good at looking at the reality of the situation which is she's in a lease that she can't afford to break so she's pretty much stuck until March. This means that I'm stuck, too. But I'm not stuck in Lafayette. I'm here in Indianapolis, a hip and happening metropolis! I shouldn't be staying in every Friday night. I'm way too pretty for that! Seriously! I almost titled a post that a couple weeks ago. I am pretty, and right now I'm tan, too, which isn't going to last forever so I need to stop dilly-dallying and get out there. I'm also fun, and not always in a loud, annoying way although that does happen sometimes. I just don't know why I can't figure out how to be out there. That's my current mission. Advice is welcome. As our invitations. Anywhere, really. I'm not picky. I just need to get out of the house!

It's now officially Friday evening, however I have no plans and three work days ahead of me before I get a day off. Friday has lost all meaning to me. It feels more like Wednesday, and there's nothing exciting about a Wednesday.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I read your posts...I miss my Karli!