Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Way Back Wednesday

I have kept a diary on and off since I was in 7th grade. I'm attempting to try something here. I'd like to post an old diary entry every Wednesday. This is gonna be fun. Trust me. So let's start at very the beginning. It's a very good place to start. This is my very first diary entry. This would have been the end of 7th grade. I was almost 13.

May 4, 1995
Dear Diary,
Today is Thursday. I have been sick since Friday night. I am not allowed to go back to school until Monday. I had to miss my tournament last weekend. I might have to miss my tournament this weekend. I don't want to miss it. I want to go back to school just because I miss my friends. Last weekend at our tournament my team went to my cousin's house in between games. We ended up getting 3rd place overall. I am watching a movie called A Touch of Class. I am really bored. I hope I get better soon. The doctor says I have strep throat. During my rapid culture it said I didn't have strep throat, but after they sent it in they found out I did have strep throat though.
Today me and grandma went to the mall. We got a new skillet. It's just like ours except it's smaller. We also got a set of TV trays for mom for her birthday Shhh!
We also got this book [diary]. Now I am watching Saved by the Bell. I'm still bored. I haven't talked to anyone except for Valeri. There isn't a whole lot of news. Tomorrow I have to go home and stay there instead.

Well, that was even less exciting than I remembered. They do get pretty exciting, but I think I should go in order so we can really see the evolution of my writing. I should also mention that I corrected a few spelling errors. I'm sure 12-year-old me wouldn't mind. I misspelled throat and bored. And wrote 3rd, 3erd, which is kind of funny. I have also decided to leave most names in, but not include any last names. I know I'm not going to publish every entry, but I'm still trying to decide if I should go somewhat in order or if I should skip around so if you have an opinion on that, I'm open to suggestion. And let me know if you think I should include additional background info or not. For example, for this post, I would tell you that I was going to Burris at this time and since I was sick, I was spending the week at my grandparents' house which was in Pendleton at the time. Enjoy.
As a sidenote, I'd like to wish a very happy 30th birthday to my good friend Soups!


Ashlee, That's Me said...

Seeing as how I think I still have your diaries listed under my favorite books on facebook, I don't have a preference on whether you skip around or go in order because I think I've read them all. But I do think that even though there are several less exciting ones, they lead up to the exciting ones and might be necessary for that build up purpose. lol Looking forward to Way Back Wednesdays :)

Soups said...

Normally I would point out that Pooh is lying here, but I'm sure it's the new the facebooks fault, and I don't want to give Angie anymore reasons to smack me upside my face, so I'll let it slide. Karli, how many different ways did you feel you needed to wish me a Happy Birthday?