Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Girl Talk - June 7, 1995

June 7, 1995
Dear Diary,
Today is Wednesday. This week is volleyball camp. Yesterday I went to the pool. After that I went home with Meredith.
There's this guy she really likes who she just found out likes her, too. At first the girl Dennis was going out with didn't want Meredith to go with Dennis, but then she finally said it was OK. Me and Meredith were talking to Dennis until like 12:15am. He is really nice. Meredith couldn't stop talking about him. She likes him so much. At first I felt sorry for her because that was before she knew Lori (his old girlfriend) said it was OK. While we were talking, this girl kept calling. Her name was Hailey. She called him like 7 times, literally. Dennis told me that Jennifer was trying to get him to ask this girl named Jackie. He said he didn't like her, but we later found out he was lying. He told Jennifer that he liked Meredith and Jackie the same. When I talked to him about 5 minutes after Jennifer got this information he told me he had changed his mind in those five minutes. He told me if we called him in the morning, he would probably ask her then. It was too early to call though so we called him back. He said he wasn't going to ask her, yet. That's it.
Cherelle was really getting on my nerves today at practice. First when I asked her about her party. She got all upset like I was complaining about not being invited, which I wasn't. Then she kept making faces and stuff. It was really getting on my nerves.

This summer, I spent about every day at Meredith's house because her parents worked. Mine were teachers so they were home during the summer, which was no fun. Meredith also had an older sister who would occasionally drive us places. Meredith also had her own phone line. Well, I guess she and her sister shared it, but her parents wouldn't pick it up. I didn't have that luxury at my house. Not that I got a lot of calls because I didn't. I was living in Meredith's world at this point. This actually went on for at least three more years. Interestingly enough, this summer (the summer between 7th and 8th grade) was, in my mind, awesome. I wasn't even living my life, but I thought it was awesome. My favorite song was All 4 One's I Can Love You Like That. I don't know what all that drama about Cherelle was about. Sounds like silly Burris drama that eventually pushed me to transfer to Northside for 8th grade.

I have some other non-old school stuff coming up so I hope I'm not driving you nuts with this middle school crap.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Way Back Wednesday: Mother's Day '95

May 14, 1995
Dear Diary,

Today is Mother's Day. Sorry I haven't written for a couple days. I have been really busy. Yesterday was really busy Day. Ashley's birthday party was Friday night. We went to the Mitchell [Elementary School] Mardi Gras. I got her this big ball that has glitter inside of it. We got one for ourselves, too. Stephanie also got Ashley one of those balls. We watched the movie Candyman. It was scary, but not that scary. After the movie we got in to this argument/discussion thing. We were talking about people being left out. It all started when we were playing Skeleton in the Closet. You know, when one person is in the middle and everyone else asks them questions. Whitney asked Ashley why they always leave her out. She said she didn't leave Whitney out and everyone knew it wasn't true. So Valeri and I started defending her and ourselves. Then Ashley started crying and went upstairs. Cherelle and Jessie went with her to like comfort her. Then me, Valeri, Whitney, Stephanie and Lesley stayed downstairs and talked about being left out. Even though Lesley leaves Whitney out, too. She still talked with us. We really deeded that. It was so nice to be able to talk about it with people who know how it feels, and talk about how the "leaver outers" say they know, but they don't. If they went through what we went through every day, they couldn't take it. They would snap. I mean like whenever me and Cherelle sat at our own table in S.S., she complained that they left us out everyday. Then when we would complain, she would talk about how it wasn't a big deal. They just don't realize how much it really hurts. You feel like they don't like you. They just act like they do it to be nice. They probably talk about us behind our backs, too. I talk about how sorry I feel for myself, but I feel really bad for Whitney. I mean, at least I have Valeri. She is all by herself. She doesn't have anyone. I hope next year it's me, Valeri and Whitney in one class and Leslie, Jessie, Ashley and Cherelle in the other. Either that or me and Valeri and someone else in one and everyone else in the other class. Then someone besides Valeri, Whitney and I can get left out and know how it feels. Well, if I am in the class with three, I just hope I am with Valeri or Whitney. Oh my gosh! I just thought, what if it isn't three and four? What if it's five and two or even six and one? Nah, they wouldn't do six and one would they? I hope not. That's mean. They know. They haven't done it yet. I'm just crossing my fingers.

Alright, sorry to write that much about that. Well, then after I got back from Ashley's party, I went to sleep. The guys had a soccer game, but I didn't go. Neither did anyone else though. I don't think at least because mom went to the mall and saw Jessie, Lesley and Cherelle. That was about 10 'til 4:00 when mom got home so about 3:30 when she saw them and the game started at 3:00. Then we went to Applebee's for kind of a Mother's Day dinner. It was fun. Since Mom had them write our name down before we came, we only had to wait 20 minutes. If she wouldn't have called, we would have waited at least an hour. The food was good. I had the chicken finger platte. Then we rented the movie The Princess Bride. I fell asleep after like the first half hour, but I watched the rest this morning.

I decided to go in order, selectively. By that I mean I'll go chronologically, but not post every entry and I reserve the right to change my mind at any point. And now, my 28-year-old reflection on my almost 13-year-old self. For starters, I see where my egocentric tendencies started. Could I talk any more about being left out? The four days I skipped also focused around this topic. So much pre-teen angst.

I should also say, for the official blog record, that I no longer have any hard feelings towards the girls mentioned in this story should they happen upon my blog and somehow figure out that I'm talking about them (even though I left out their last names for their privacy). Enjoy.