Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Maybe it's Spring

Some years I can tolerate the winter, and appreciate it for what it is, and be grateful that I get to enjoy all four seasons (unlike people in LA and Miami). This is not one of those years. Christmas is over, winter should be, too. Let's move on. We've even had some unseasonably warm days the past few weeks which has me wondering if maybe it's spring. I have absolutely no issue with spring coming early. Maybe the groundhog will come up with a new sign to alert us that spring's not right around the corner... It's already here. We were patient with winter last year so we are being rewarded with an early, early spring!
I've been around long enough to know that a few warm days in January or even February does not a spring make. We have not seen the last of winter's fury and we'll more than likely have two feet of snow in time for the Super Bowl. Due to this dose of reality, I've given myself a goal. If I can get to March, then I know I'll make it. March seems like the holy grail, the start of spring, the answer to all of my prayers. While March can still be a little depressing, it brings with it March Madness, The Hunger Games movie, spring break (which I don't actually get, but I'm hoping to show enough growth to be happy for those who do), and occasional to frequent sunshine. In Indiana it can drop 30 degrees in a day and be 65 and sunny one day and 25 and snowing the next so all I am asking for is a few more days where I can wake up and say to myself "maybe it's spring"....At least enough to get me to March.

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