Last summer I read something that inspired me to write, but at the time didn't feel like it went with this blog and decided it was time to start a new blog. This was my first entry.
The inspiration for this new blog came from a book titled "Cold Tangerines" by Shauna Niequist. It's a book about the extraordinary moments hidden in everyday life. I feel like I have out-grown my old blog, but I miss writing so when I read about the cold tangerines, I thought it was a great idea for a new blog.
"I want a life that sizzles and pops and makes me laugh out loud. And I don't want to get to the end, or to tomorrow even, and realize that my life is a collection of meetings and pop cans and errands and receipts and dirty dishes. I want to eat cold tangerines and sing out loud in the car with the windows open and wear pink shoes and stay up all night laughing and paint my walls the exact color of the sky right now. I want to sleep hard on clean white sheets and throw parties and eat ripe tomatoes and read books so good they make me jump up and down, and I want my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone who loves the gift." ~Shauna Niequist
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!” ~ Hunter S. Thompson.
That is what this blog is going to be about. Living life. I just feel like we are really kicking life's ass right now. Everything's not perfect, but we're doing it. Sometimes there's not enough money and sometimes I forget to turn the oven off, sometimes the dogs eat the whole pan of 7-layer cookies while they're cooling or the AC in my car quits working, but that's all part of it.
I have since decided to scrap that "new" blog. We don't really just get to start over with new blogs and pretend the old ones don't exist. The old blog is part of what got us to the new blog. I ran across the new blog this morning and was borderline embarrassed by its existence so I'm deleting it, but I stand by these words so I think they should be published somewhere.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Misgiven Thoughts
I've had a bunch of things trying to get out of my head today. I need an outlet. Remember when The New Girl was hilarious. That was back before I was watching The Mindy Project which is occasionally hilarious still, but I don't think the two are related. I've recently become obsessed with The Mindy Project. I heart Mindy Kaling. I want to be her friend.
What's up with hipsters? I'm cool with being a hipster, but it for a subculture built on being unique, they all wear the same hat all the time like it's NBD. Guess what, it is a big deal. I wouldn't wear one of those hats (you know the ones I mean) even if it looked good on me because at this point it just makes you look like you're trying to be a hipster. That's not hip.
Did you know that if you sign up for individual health insurance during the open enrollment period like you're supposed to and your policy gets cancelled for non-payment at any point, you can't reinstate your policy? You won't have another opportunity to get insurance until the next open enrollment. I just wonder how many of the 7 million* people who signed up will be cancelled within the first couple months due to non-payment? *I'm using an asterisk here because those numbers as-is are skewed. I don't want to get into it because I'm trying to be impartial and sometimes I'm more optimistic about these things than I am at the moment. Moving on.
Isn't it super weird that Ashlee got married? I just think she seems too young. I mean absolutely no offense or disrespect. I think she is close to appropriately aged and certainly of sound mind to make such a decision. I think my opinion of her is bias in some way. I'm very happy for her, but I just can't get used to it. I'm sure I will in time.
Do you want to hear a funny dog story? Too bad. Our dog stories are not funny, they are tragic. All our dogs do is destroy things. Comforters, carpet, lives. It's a nightmare. What a curse dogs are... You just want them out of your life, but if they were really gone you'd be devastated. It's completely twisted. I can't even imagine how much easier/cleaner/restful/bountiful/etc. our lives would be if we didn't have dogs. Oh well. We play the hand we're dealt. That's all for now.
What's up with hipsters? I'm cool with being a hipster, but it for a subculture built on being unique, they all wear the same hat all the time like it's NBD. Guess what, it is a big deal. I wouldn't wear one of those hats (you know the ones I mean) even if it looked good on me because at this point it just makes you look like you're trying to be a hipster. That's not hip.
Did you know that if you sign up for individual health insurance during the open enrollment period like you're supposed to and your policy gets cancelled for non-payment at any point, you can't reinstate your policy? You won't have another opportunity to get insurance until the next open enrollment. I just wonder how many of the 7 million* people who signed up will be cancelled within the first couple months due to non-payment? *I'm using an asterisk here because those numbers as-is are skewed. I don't want to get into it because I'm trying to be impartial and sometimes I'm more optimistic about these things than I am at the moment. Moving on.
Isn't it super weird that Ashlee got married? I just think she seems too young. I mean absolutely no offense or disrespect. I think she is close to appropriately aged and certainly of sound mind to make such a decision. I think my opinion of her is bias in some way. I'm very happy for her, but I just can't get used to it. I'm sure I will in time.
Do you want to hear a funny dog story? Too bad. Our dog stories are not funny, they are tragic. All our dogs do is destroy things. Comforters, carpet, lives. It's a nightmare. What a curse dogs are... You just want them out of your life, but if they were really gone you'd be devastated. It's completely twisted. I can't even imagine how much easier/cleaner/restful/bountiful/etc. our lives would be if we didn't have dogs. Oh well. We play the hand we're dealt. That's all for now.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Couple Time
"We're funnier than these people"....Is what I came over here to say, but after watching a few more webisodes, I've decided they're funny, too and maybe we should all watch. This is a web series called Couple Time where this comedy writing couple do normal things and it's funny.
And this one:
For the most part though, we're funnier than these people. Some of the time at least. So I guess the moral of the story is we need to start web series. There's good money in that, right?
Monday, December 31, 2012
Don't Worry, Be Happy
'Tis the season of resolutions that nobody ever keeps. Some people probably do, but I never do. Resolutions are too daunting. So I'm jumping on the no-resolution band-wagon: Just Be Happy. Sounds good, right? I really like this: How to Be Happy. I'm still glowing from joys of Christmas, but I know in a couple of weeks our beautiful White Christmas will become a grey and slushy, never-ending, January mess. I always get bummed out in January so I'm just going to focus on getting happy. In the spirit of being happy, please enjoy these pictures of our sweet puppies. Unfortunately, we get a lot more of the bottom version than the top, but they mean well. Here's to 2013! Happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Announcements, Announcements, Announcements!
I do not know these kids....I'm just letting them sing my announcements song.
I want to give you all the basics on what I am doing now, then I can go back to writing about trivial things. I'm an independent insurance agent, and as much as that sounds like I'm an Amway salesman, that's not at all what it means. It just means I am selling several different companies with different specialties, as opposed to one (i.e. State Farm or All State). Companies like Travelers and Auto-Owners along with others like those that you've heard of and some that you probably haven't. I'm working with an independent agency in Fishers/Noblesville, Source Insurance Group. We were founded by a CPA who also runs a successful accounting firm and a few years ago saw a need for insurance with many of his clients so he started Source. That office is on 116th St. in Fishers and the company recently expanded to Noblesville, which is when I came on board. I'm selling auto, home, life, health, disability income, long-term care and business insurance, which encompasses pretty much anything anyone could ever need as far as insurance goes. I'm licensed to sell anything so at least for now, I'm calling myself a generalist, but am working on educating myself more in certain areas to hopefully eventually narrow my focus.
So that's the scoop in a nutshell. Now, what I want you to do with this information is this: 1. Keep it in mind in case you're ever out or talking to someone who says their car insurance is increasing or they are starting a new business or buying a new house or whatever, you can mention that your good friend, daughter, sister, etc., Karli, is brilliant and they should call her. 2. If you have any insurance needs, let me give you a quote. So whether you buy a new vehicle or get your renewal notice, I would love the opportunity to give you a quote and see if I can get you better coverage. 3. Like my Facebook Page by going to the page and clicking the "like" button (if you haven't already). Follow me on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing. I appreciate your presumed support!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Braggy McBraggerson
When I started this blog, my mom didn't want to read it. She told me she thought I sounded self indulgent. Mom, if you don't remember this, maybe it was my conscience acting as you. It was a long time ago. Anyway, I told her (or the Jiminy Cricket version of her who lives on my shoulder) that blogs were self indulgent. That's the point. Now at that time, I was feeling sorry for myself. Today what I was writing sounded braggy. So I'm writing this post to include with the braggy one so you'll know that while I may be a little Braggy McBraggerson, at least I'm aware of it.
Bri tweeted this article, Are We All Braggarts Now?, yesterday and as I was writing my August and Everything After post, I started to realize I was bragging when really I just wanted everyone to know that I'm happy and having a great time. I guess I'm wondering the same thing. Am I a braggart? When I read the article yesterday, I didn't think it was talking about me, but today it hit me that it was. I don't post every day, but maybe none of us are exempt. So I'm writing now, partially to apologize, partially to acknowledge that I'm now aware I sound a little braggy and partially to ask if this is OK. Should we be less braggy? Is it bragging to share good news? Does anybody care. Is it better to brag on a blog than on facebook. My rationale here is that people have to come to my page as opposed to having my bragginess pop up on their news feed. So is a little bragging OK? I don't mind when it's people that I like, but have found myself groaning at people's vacation sunsets when I'm stuck at work. So where's the line? I'll keep you posted if I have an epiphany.
Bri tweeted this article, Are We All Braggarts Now?, yesterday and as I was writing my August and Everything After post, I started to realize I was bragging when really I just wanted everyone to know that I'm happy and having a great time. I guess I'm wondering the same thing. Am I a braggart? When I read the article yesterday, I didn't think it was talking about me, but today it hit me that it was. I don't post every day, but maybe none of us are exempt. So I'm writing now, partially to apologize, partially to acknowledge that I'm now aware I sound a little braggy and partially to ask if this is OK. Should we be less braggy? Is it bragging to share good news? Does anybody care. Is it better to brag on a blog than on facebook. My rationale here is that people have to come to my page as opposed to having my bragginess pop up on their news feed. So is a little bragging OK? I don't mind when it's people that I like, but have found myself groaning at people's vacation sunsets when I'm stuck at work. So where's the line? I'll keep you posted if I have an epiphany.
August & Everything After
I always used to say school should start earlier and end earlier because in May you are so ready for Summer, and by August you're (at least I'm) ready for Fall. While I'm not in school anymore, I think somebody actually listened. This is going to be confusing for a minute, but I'm not talking about school anymore. (Even though I think some schools did actually listen and have adopted this pseudo-year round schedule which sorta satisfies my demands.) Since I don't have school to tell me when it's Fall, I rely on the weather, and it's the weather that has started to pay attention. This year it was hot in May (and June and July) and now in August it's cooling down. I like this.
I'm ready for Fall. Fall is tied with Spring for my favorite season, but the problem with Fall is that it is too short and it leads into Winter. (At least Spring leads into my second favorite season, Summer.) So the start of Fall cultivates mixed emotions for me. I'm excited for Fall, but at the same time, dreading the start of Winter, inevitably the longest, most terrible season of them all. I wouldn't mind Winter if it was over by mid January...It's January 15 - April 1 that is excruciating. I've seem to gotten off on a bit of a tangent, but what I'm trying to say is that I like these cooler August temperatures because it gives me a longer Fall season. Fall means volleyball and football and chili and sweatshirts. It's been a great summer. Maybe the best ever. Summer of '98 has been holding the title for a long time, but it's reign is ending. It's been a great summer and it's shaping up to be a great Fall, as well.
Now what I intended to write about today wasn't a rationale of my ranking of the four seasons, but August and everything after. Looking at my calendar, there's more going on this fall than we had going on all summer. Volleyball season starts in a couple weeks. The Coaches Preseason Poll just came out and had Purdue ranked 9th. Plus Kyle's Western Illinois Leathernecks will be in town a couple of times, and while the coaches don't have them ranked in the top 20, I'm excited we'll get to see him coach. We also have tickets to a couple football games. We'll be watching the BSU Cardinals attempt to repeat their victory over the Hoosiers of Indiana, watch the Browns come to town and take on Andrew Luck & Company hoping for a repeat of last year's win, and for the first time, I'll be traveling to Browns Stadium in Cleveland. I'm surprising myself a little by saying it, but I am the most excited about this trip. So these are the big things. We also have a new sand volleyball league starting tonight and continue to stay competitive in our weekly trivia. Bottom line is that I'm excited, and all is well.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I started this post yesterday and just popped in to finish it up and give it a final read through. As I've done that, I've realized it sounds a little braggy. Last night I read this article Are We All Braggarts Now? via @bridrlich on Twitter, which has inspired me to write this follow up piece Braggy McBraggerson.
I'm ready for Fall. Fall is tied with Spring for my favorite season, but the problem with Fall is that it is too short and it leads into Winter. (At least Spring leads into my second favorite season, Summer.) So the start of Fall cultivates mixed emotions for me. I'm excited for Fall, but at the same time, dreading the start of Winter, inevitably the longest, most terrible season of them all. I wouldn't mind Winter if it was over by mid January...It's January 15 - April 1 that is excruciating. I've seem to gotten off on a bit of a tangent, but what I'm trying to say is that I like these cooler August temperatures because it gives me a longer Fall season. Fall means volleyball and football and chili and sweatshirts. It's been a great summer. Maybe the best ever. Summer of '98 has been holding the title for a long time, but it's reign is ending. It's been a great summer and it's shaping up to be a great Fall, as well.
Now what I intended to write about today wasn't a rationale of my ranking of the four seasons, but August and everything after. Looking at my calendar, there's more going on this fall than we had going on all summer. Volleyball season starts in a couple weeks. The Coaches Preseason Poll just came out and had Purdue ranked 9th. Plus Kyle's Western Illinois Leathernecks will be in town a couple of times, and while the coaches don't have them ranked in the top 20, I'm excited we'll get to see him coach. We also have tickets to a couple football games. We'll be watching the BSU Cardinals attempt to repeat their victory over the Hoosiers of Indiana, watch the Browns come to town and take on Andrew Luck & Company hoping for a repeat of last year's win, and for the first time, I'll be traveling to Browns Stadium in Cleveland. I'm surprising myself a little by saying it, but I am the most excited about this trip. So these are the big things. We also have a new sand volleyball league starting tonight and continue to stay competitive in our weekly trivia. Bottom line is that I'm excited, and all is well.
EDITOR'S NOTE: I started this post yesterday and just popped in to finish it up and give it a final read through. As I've done that, I've realized it sounds a little braggy. Last night I read this article Are We All Braggarts Now? via @bridrlich on Twitter, which has inspired me to write this follow up piece Braggy McBraggerson.
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