Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Reading that title aloud, I realize that it sounds like I mean it differently than I actually meant it. I was told last night that my recent posts are boring so I am trying to make this more engaging. Jeff felt that he would be more interested if I were talking about him so I have decided to randomly drop people's names just to see if you're paying attention. I can see the merit in that so keep your eyes out for your name!
I will also try to write about more interesting topics. Personally, I felt that lightening bugs were pretty interesting and am a little offended that anybody disagreed. I am still waiting on Rachel to comment on that one and share her Texas perspective on lightening bugs. I am actually usually pretty careful to not include names in here most of the time. I'm so worried about offending people all the time that I leave out all the good stories. That doesn't help the interest level so much. I am going to work on that. I will apologize now for offending anybody in the future.

Unfortunately (of fortunately, depending on how you want to look at it) nothing too scandalous has been going on in my life. I finished institute last week which was exciting. This has left me with more free time than I know what to do with. Tilly and I hung out in West Lafayette all weekend because that is her favorite place and I didn't have much to do here. I have just been applying for jobs and trying to get an interview. This is a part of the program. I'll briefly explain the hiring process for those of you who are confused by my "job searching" facebook status updates. The program helps us find openings and has walked us through the process, but we are not placed in jobs. I believe that at one point in time ITF did place teachers in jobs, but they do not do that anymore. My guess is that principals and schools wanted more of a say in who was working in their building or something. It makes sense that we interview like everybody else so that everybody is happy and it is a "good fit". So what I am doing right now is applying to jobs in Indianapolis. I am looking for a middle school math position. Our program tries to focus on IPS as much as possible, but we are now also looking at charter schools and townships. That being said, if anybody works in a school district with any openings or knows anybody who could help me, let me know because I could use all the help I can get.

OK, I know this is getting boring and that is not what I wanted so I'm going to wrap up with some shout outs. First props to the people who are still reading despite the fact that I'm not writing....Jessica, Leslie, Lindsay, Ashlee, Aaron, Robby, Jared, Jeff, Merindy, Grandma Pate.....and the opposite of props to the people who stopped reading (or never started) Rachel, Katherine, Tyler, Floyd, Anne, and my mom. If you feel you were left off of either of these lists and would like to be added - or would like to switch lists just let me know and I'll print a retraction. Or addition or something. EDITOR'S NOTE: I have added a few faithful readers that I originally left off the shout out list. My sincere apologies. I love you all and appreciate your dedication! OK, that's all I've got for now. How'd I do? Are you still engaged??

Shondell Out.


Jes said...

ridic! tot ridic! not sure how you leave out your LL.

Karli said...

I didn't know if you were still reading and I certainly didn't want to call you out for not reading. I am terribly sorry!!

Sarah said...

Hey Karli,
I know the human resources director in Washington Township, Rick Doss, pretty well. He was my first principal and helped place me at Washington Township in an admin internship when I was finishing my principal's license through Butler. I have a lot of admin contacts at MSDWT and a few in Wayne. Just let me know what you need! Matt Kaiser is the principal at Eastwood MS, he's awesome as well.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

First of all, I read.

Second of all, its great.


Sessie said...

I read! i check almost everyday! now, if I could find the time to update my own! haha