Sunday, August 8, 2010

They're letting me do what??

It's Sunday night and tomorrow morning is my official first day as a teacher. The reality of the situation is beginning to set in and my general level of anxiety is rising rapidly. It's taken me this long to get over the shock that somebody gave me a job. But this is not just any job, no, this is my dream job. As of tomorrow, I am the newest 7th grade math teacher at Chapel Hill 7th and 8th Grade Center (next to Ben Davis). Thinking long-term, I am ecstatic! Immediately however, I am terrified. In two days, I will be teaching actual children (students first day of school is Wednesday). In a big picture sense, I know I will be an amazing teacher. I know this is what I am supposed to be doing. I know that I will make a difference in the lives of these kids. I really do know this, but I also know that I've never done this before and in a lot of ways don't have a clue what I'm doing. That's the scary part.

So far this personal pep talk isn't going so great. I feel so blessed to have been given this miraculously blessed, and I don't want to screw it up. I've been known to talk big game from time to time and in this case I really need to be able to back it up. A lot of people are trusting me to educate their children. I'm gonna need all the help I can get! I'll keep you posted. Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers!


Ashlee, That's Me said...

You are going to be amazing! There isn't a doubt in my mind!!!! And those students are going to LOVE YOU!!!!

Emily E. said...

I was checking your blog hoping to hear about your teaching experience. You are going to be amazing. I know this because of the amazing personality you have and the confidence you have in wanting to make a difference. 7th grade is the best grade! They are still up for a little fun :) You'll fit right in!

Super proud of you!