Saturday, April 18, 2009

Busy doing nothing...

OK, I'm sorry... I keep meaning to write... I really do... It's nothing personal... I've just been so busy. Busy doing nothing, but just the same. I do seriously have two or three drafts started. I just never have the patience to finish them. Lucky for all of you, I'm stuck at work on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon, and am rebelling by blogging. I have a lot of thoughts on Wal-Mart, but I think that deserves its own blog so I'm going to save it.

It's been kind of a big week. Sunday was Easter. That was just this past Sunday, right? Yeah, it was. Anyway, Ashlee came down Saturday night and we went to see .Records. - please note the name change - which was thrilling as always and then went to my church Sunday morning. We then went to Lafayette where I spent most of the day with Allie, blowing bubbles, watering flowers and cleaning up imaginary stars. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday passed in a blur of April Showers with the one exception being the phone call I received from Miss Allie Tuesday afternoon asking if I would be coming to her birthday. Heartbreakingly, the answer was no because I had to work. I hear she had a pretty fab party at Chuck-E-Cheese sans Karli so all is well. Thursday the sun came out and so did baby Camryn. Camyrn Paige O'Maley was born Thursday night to proud parents Soups and Ami. To quote Rachel Green, I can't believe one of us actually has one of these. It's kind of crazy, but so exciting. Cut to today and I'm just trying to get through the next two and a half hours so I can go to Ward-a-palooza!

Now that I've gotten through the recap, we can get down to business. So the sun has been out since Thursday which makes me happy. It's 70 degrees and sunny which is about as perfect as a spring day can get so I'm itching to get out of here, but in good spirits just the same. I've been trying to work on me a little bit. I am just so ready to be back to good. Not that I'm not good. I'm OK. It's just harder for me to get there from time to time. And I think I'm swinging farther than I used to with my moods which makes people think I'm crazy, myself included. And that's just not good for anyone. So in order to accomplish this, I am seeing a therapist who is trying to help me be OK just as me so I can be good for somebody else which is good for everybody really. You would think I would have some funny things to say about therapy, but I'm drawing a blank. Maybe because it's not court ordered or anything. I am sure over time there will be something. The long and the short of all that is just that I'm trying to be sunnier all the time, not just when it's sunny.

I'm tempted to go back to Wal-Mart because at least I know that stuff is funny, but I'm getting a little verbous as it is and I don't want to risk another 500 words that may or may not be hilarious. OK, so one last thought that I had earlier today...You know how all the Richmond folks stick together, right? And then they have a few folks who attach themselves...Well, I feel like in some ways I was converted to that lifestyle, much like some people convert to Judaism for their Jewish spouse. And now, much like Charlotte (well, Charlotte for like 2 episodes) in Sex in the City after she and the bald guy whose name I can't think of right now..maybe started with an H, I'm still Jewish even though I did it just for that one guy not really for the religion. OK, I'm not really sure where I was going with that without it hurting peoples' feelings and that's not at all how I intended it to sound. :-) I just had a couple come in to see an apartment so they distracted me. They are moving from Peru! Who lives in Peru? Peru, Indiana that is. I know lots of people live in Peru the country. My great-grandma lived in Peru so I know where it is, but I don't think I've ever known anyone else from there. OK, that's all I have for now. Two more hours then I'm out of here. I hope the sun sticks around!

Does anyone else use blogger and really want to write a post about scooters?


Ashlee, That's Me said...

His name was Harry wasn't it?

Ashlee, That's Me said...
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