Thursday, May 7, 2009

We Live and We Learn

My pendulum is still swinging a little wide, but I'm noticing a definite improvement. For example, I met a boy and let myself get totally caught up in it. (I know, I know better than that!) Then as quickly as my short lived love affair began, it was over. So in the span of 10 days, I was on top of the world and then came crashing back down to earth. So that sucked, but it's not all bad. It gave me hope. For the first time, I met somebody that I hadn't known before that I could see myself being happy with. That is progress, and something I was starting to doubt was ever going to happen, despite the insistence of friends and family. Everyone says "you're a great'll meet someone", but until that happens, it's hard to believe. So while I'm slightly disheartened, I know there's hope. From this experience, I have also just about decided to give up How embarassing to say you met your boyfriend/fiance/husband online. No offense to all the people who do this, but I just don't feel comfortable with that. There's an episode of How I met your mother when Ted brings a girl to the bar that he met online and Barney says that only crazy girls find guys online - this is when he introduces the hot/crazy scale, which I have taken into consideration before making many an important decision in my life. So while the pros of online dating are 1. I don't have to go anywhere 2. there are a lot of people on there that I might not otherwise meet 3. you skip a lot of the BS. The downside is 1. There are a lot of losers out there 2. it's kinda lame skip a lot of the BS. So I'm still trying to decide how to procede. I guess I will accept opinions on this topic.

In other news, today is my mother's 50th birthday! If you see or hear from her, please wish her a happy birthday. Even though at this point, it will probably be belated. She has had the best birthday ever so far which is encouraging. Her team teachers decorated her room and brought her a cake, she got flowers from me, lots of flowers from my dad, another cake from the parents of her students and they basically partied all day. I think she would most definitely agree that this is one of, if not the best birthday she has ever had. It's only getting better because my dad's having a party for her Saturday and they're going out tonight and she's as happy with her life as she ever has been. I know not every birthday has been so perfect so I just need to keep in mind that while things aren't as perfect right now as I think they could be, the best is yet to come.

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