Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weight-Lost Challenge

While many people thought I would have written about this before now, but I have shown tremendous restraint. Impressive, I know. We are now officially in the final 24 hours of this challenge. The act of writing that makes me hungry. So the way this thing works is we weigh in once a week (we do this on Wednesdays before Lost, hence the name). We are measuring our weight loss by percentage weight lost so that it is fair, and whoever loses the largest percent at the end is the winner. The three losers will pay the winner $100 each so the winner gets $300. The players are Soups, Robby, Ward and me (although Soups sorta threw in the towel a few weeks back and is no longer really in contention) The final weigh in will take place tomorrow night at approximately 7:30 PM and at this point in time the race is way too close to call.

I have entered my final phase of this competition. I cannot reveal what that consists of at this time, but it's not super fun. I was leading at the last weigh in, but I don't think I've lost anything since last week....I'm honestly just hoping I didn't gain, and I have no way of knowing how everyone else is doing. Keep your fingers crossed and I'll let you know how it turns out...


Soups said...

This is not the greatest comment in the world. This is just a tribute.

Anonymous said...

you dont know but i love following your blog... it keeps me encouraged!

Anonymous said...

p.s. your optimism is contagious!! THANK YOU!