Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Oh, Hail!

OK, I'm venting a little bit here. I just got home from work and am grateful that my apartment is dry. Not everyone around here is so lucky. Right about 5:00 this afternoon it started storming. For about 40 minutes we had torrential rain, yes torrential, and golf ball sized hail. The hail may not have lasted the entire time, but it was long enough to do plenty of damage. Please see the teeny tiny photo below...

This was all well and good while we were watching it out the window and gawking about how big it was. When it let up I ran out to move my car under a carport....I bet you can see where this is going.....4 words: Too little, too late. So, of course, my car is covered with hail dings. Of course it is! So now I have to deal with that. If that's not bad enough, the phone rings (I'm still at work) and it's a resident informing me that she has ankle deep water covering her apartment. Great....just great. And it wasn't just her. There were three apartments afflicted by this natural disaster. To add insult to injury, the second two just moved in. One of them moved in a week ago and the other just moved in Saturday. I convinced them it's a great place to live, they move in, they're happy, then bam! their apartment floods. While I know it was out of my control, I feel responsible. So yeah, they're standing outside throwing a football around while they wait for the carpet extractor to get there. Hopefully, that's soon.

In addition to that, the parking lot is flooded all around my apartment so all my neighbor's cars are under water. They're all standing outside while I hide in here with the blinds closed. I was thinking about going to run, and I may still, but I wouldn't hold your breath. I'm trying to get motivated to train for a pretend marathon. I've fallen off the work-out wagon a little since the weight loss challenge ended so I need something to motivate me. I think I'm going to try and start running. Keep track of how far I run in preparation for my pretend marathon which will be taking place at some uncertain time in the future.

Well, I feel a little better now. Now I'm ready for bed. :-)

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