Monday, June 29, 2009

The Elusive Mr. Right

Something I've been thinking about....Thoughts??


Karli said...

I was actually hoping for comments here, people!

Ashlee, That's Me said...

Wow! This woman must be a very convincing writer because even me, miss never settle, waiting for my disney perfect prince charming to sweep me off my feet, is thinking I may need to rething some things. Very interesting. Perhaps it is better to just find someone who shares the same ideas of running a household rather than someone who sweeps you off your feet at first. But, I think theres a balance of both out there somewhere. Then again, I do live in a Abc Family/Disney kind of state of mind still. lol

Sarah said...

Hey Karli!

I think that the author speaks a lot of truth about finding someone a mate you can live with peacefully for the long run. Being comfortable is so important in a relationship. I remember a few frat boys I dated in college where I spent any moment I wasn't with them stressing about where they were, who they were with, etc. There's a lot to be said about finding someone who doesn't cause that anxiety. Does that make sense? Hope all is well! We will have to meet up for a drink in Indy one of these days.
