Monday, June 22, 2009

Celebrate we will...

Because life is short, but sweet for certain.

An old friend and sorority sister's life was cut way too short over the weekend, and it has me thinking. I hate that it takes a tragedy to remind us all how much we mean to each other. As I read this, it sounds cliche, but that doesn't make it less true. I'm also not sure how I feel about the fact that Dave lyrics are the best way to express this sentiment, but those lyrics say exactly what I'm feeling better than I can say it. Because it's not that Lindsay and I hung out every weekend or talked on the phone every night....I haven't seen her for years, and in some ways that makes this harder. My first thought when I heard the news was that I cannot imagine a world without her in it. I can't put into words why that is, but for those of you who know her, you understand. I can't think of another Chi-O who could bring us all together like this. Again, it sounds cliche, but Lindsay was such a good friend to everybody. There are girls three years younger and three years older who are affected by this the same as the girls in her pledge class. Take me for I said we were never best friends, but we kept in touch on facebook and she would send messages when something good happened or some thing sad, and I know that if I ran into her there would be hugging and screaming. We're still sorority girls after all. You just know she cared, and that means more than you realize.

It's just a reminder of how short life is, and you never know when it will end. We don't know how many more hot and sticky summer days, spring flowers, Phish concerts, family cookouts, sucky work days, birthday parties, thunderstorms, good work days, beers on the deck, visits and phone calls with my sisters, texts from my brother, Apples to Apples with friends, walks with the dog, etc. My point is that all of these little things that for the most part we take for granted (many of which aren't even worthy of pictures on facebook) make up our life. This is it so let's live in the moment and enjoy it as it happens. Good or bad, boring or exciting, this is it.

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