Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just Sayin'

I know...I know. Way too long. It won't happen again. Well, I can't really promise that, but I'll do my best. I'm super exhausted so don't look for any underlying theme here or any fancy literary tricks. I'm writing until I can't think of anything else to write about. I've been ridiculously busy - which is why I haven't been writing - not that I'm making excuses. Just saying. :-) This week I started my summer training institute for the Indianapolis Teaching Fellows. Oh speaking of that, I need to make quick announcement. While I am now a part of the Indianapolis Teaching Fellows and I may at some point make mention of the program or things I'm doing with the program, all of my thoughts and opinions are mine alone and in no way represent ITF. OK, moving on....(yes, I really had to do that!) It's been a busy week so far and I have five weeks of this to go so wish me luck making it through. If you have questions about the Indianapolis Teaching Fellows, check out our website or just ask me. It's a great program and I'm excited to be a part of it. Anyway, with the beginning of this came the end of my old career. I quit my job at Riverwood. I'll give you a minute to take that in. It's been a long time coming, but I couldn't be happier. That led to me moving which involved a lot of purging and cleaning and lots of other exhausting, not so fun stuff. So last week I was "in between jobs" and used that time to move to my new apartment, help Ashton pull out all the bushes in front of his house (giant bushes - that's a story in its self, but I don't have time to tell it right now), and celebrated my birthday. I'm another year older, however if you've been reading you know I've been pretending to be 28 for six months so I'm completely unfazed. Amidst all that, I have had concerts and open houses and movie premieres (when I say premiere I am referring to the opening of Sex and the City 2 - We didn't even go the first night so I'm using that term loosely). Bottom line is that I've been busy - Good busy, but busy just the same. And I haven't been sitting in front of a computer all day at work so that has considerably cut into my social networking.

I recently took a look back at some of my entries from last year and couldn't believe the difference in my calendar looking from then to now. I believe I even mentioned that it was inspirational because last spring I was sitting at home every night praying that somebody would call me to do something, but now I feel like I don't have a free second. I wouldn't change my life right now for anything - I am so blessed and happy - but, I'm not gonna lie, I'm missing last year's boredom a little bit right now.

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