Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And it was all yellow

My Dellow came today!!

I've had the same computer since 2001. July of 2001 to be exact. That's seven and a half years, which is like 110 years old in computer years. It's been a good computer, and it is still kicking which is very impressive for a 110 year old desk top computer, but it's time to send it to the retirement home so I'm going to leave it plugged in upstairs, but I don't want to overuse it. It requires a lot of rest. So that brings me to my new computer, my Dellow. I don't really know if this Dellow thing is going to stick. It was funny the first time I thought of it...well actually I think Lindsay thought of it. (The computer is a Dell and it is yellow, hence Dellow) It isn't rolling off the tongue like I'd like it too so I'm going to retire the use of the term Dellow. For now, at least. I love it though, whatever I'm calling it. I haven't had a new computer for so long, and I haven't had a laptop ever. It makes me happy. Plus, it has a built in webcam so I am considering adding a video element to this blog... Just something to think about.

I don't have any other funny stories, but I plan to write more regularly now that I have my new dellow (I pulled it out of retirement...I'm crazy like that, apparently).

The title of this blog, combined with it's inspiration is making me want to listen to that Coldplay album. I'm going to go see if I can find it. Some things I would like to write about in the near future since I haven't written forever would be: The Twilight Saga, my job, Vampires....OK that's all I've got.

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