Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's been a long December...

and there's reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last.

So I have just about survived the holidays, and I am trying to stay optimistic about 2009. I have had a little bit of a regression in my healing process. I'll go a long time and think I'm completely fine and healed and then it's Thanksgiving and I'm driving home alone and there's something about it that's so different and hard to deal with. I just have to get through New Year's, which we are referring to as "Ashlee's Birthday", well she is. Whatever we call it, I feel like I'm on the home stretch.

I'm ready for 2009. I'm ready for new episodes of my shows. Some people think I watch too much TV. I don't care what they think because I love my TV shows. I miss Gossip Girl (You know you love me) and How I met your mother (Haave you met Ted?), The Office (That's what she said) and Grey's Anatomy (Seriously)....Not to mention the shows that haven't been on for a year (or more) like Lost(bom - that's supposed to be that sound you hear when LOST swings across the screen) and 24 which hasn't been on for two years thanks to last year's writer's strike. It's amazing terrorists haven't taken over the country with Jack Bauer on hiatus. And Scrubs is moving to ABC so I'm excited to see what Turk and JD are getting into.

I need to get a life, I know.

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