Sunday, February 22, 2009


So Ward, allegedly, posted this note on his facebook page where he wrote something about each of his friends - facebook friends that is. Now I am forced to only assume that this happened because I did not see it with my own two eyes and just as quickly as it was posted, it was gone. You would think that after going to all of that work, you would want something like that posted for more than 12 hours, but what do I know. This is all beside the point though.

My point here is that this made me think about all of my so called friends on the facebook (yeah, I still call it the facebook. This is a little bit because when I joined that was the url, and partly because I'm from Muncie and have a little redneck and sometimes add random "the"'s in front of things. Ex. "The Walmart". I don't think that I could write something about each of my friends. Of course I could about my real friends, but I am currently friends with 404 people and I am curious how many of those people I don't really know. I am going to attempt this exercise here on the blog and then unfriend anyone who I don't really know. Deal? Deal.

OK, so after scrolling through the first page of my friends, I have noticed that a lot of people - maybe most - fall in the middle. These aren't people I talk to all the time - or ever - and I may not even look at their pictures, but I know them and know how I know them and know something about them. I hate to unfriend people from high school just because that's kind of what facebook is all about. Then there are people I was friends with in college. Same concept as high school really. People I may have had a class with - these people are a little iffy, but I hate to get rid of them. What if they notice. I know - get over yourself, Karli. People I've worked with or work with - pretty much the same as class. Then there's family. I have to keep my family. Oh and the people that I'm actually friends with and still talk to on a regular basis - no brainer.

OK, so to sum up, I'm not deleting anyone. At least not tonight.

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