Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekend Update

I don't really have any stories, but I haven't written this week so I'm writing something. Anything. I haven't decided yet. Just writing. Well, I might write something funny later, but for now here's an update. I'm at work. Got in this morning and realized I was wearing blue tights instead of black. Why do I even own blue tights?!? Fortunately, I live 50 feet away so I ran home and changed. Then we discovered that two apartments were broken into. Someone kicked the doors in. Why do people do this? They took one lady's "big screen TV" (I don't really know what she meant by that and I'm kind of curious to be honest - was it a flat screen? how big? old school big screen? I'm just curious) They didn't take anything from the other guy. He told me he didn't have a big screen so that must be why. Neither of them had renter's insurance so this is your friendly reminder to get renter's insurance if you are renting an apartment. It's cheap and so worth it if anything ever happened! So that's my day so far. The good news is that I'm off this weekend - WOO HOO! - so I just need to get through today.

Generally speaking, I've been really happy lately. Nothing has really changed that I'm aware of, but from day to day I'm just really happy. So I thought I'd share in case anyone out there is still worried about me. The cool part about this is that I'm not happy because of some guy or even some great new job. (That all still sucks)I'm just happy with me. So basically I rock and can now do anything. Speaking of, I've been busy lately. I decided I'm going to start working on a novel. I like to write and having been throwing around ideas in my head and in my journal for a while so I'm going to actually put pen to paper as they say. My mother, however, thinks I should write a self-help divorce book as she believes that would be more profitable (it's doubtful that anything I write will be profitable, but not for lack of awesomeness) so I'm working on that, too. It's like a fun spin on a depressing divorce book. I'll keep you posted on my progress. On top of the books, I've decided become a life coach. I don't really know if you can do that legally without a license, but I'm looking into it. I just spend a lot of my time cheering people up and telling them how to live their lives more successfully (for the privacy of my clients, I cannot share their personal information) and I've decided I'm good at telling people what to do (insert mean joke here) and people do that for a living so it's something I'm considering.

Shondell Out

1 comment:

charina said...

I always get the brown and the black socks mixed up in the morning. I can imagine not being able to tell from the black and the blue tights....fortunately, I don't have blue tights (smile). I'm glad your happy and moving forward with the book(s)! Seems like you have a lot to accomplish, but at least they are all projects you enjoy and have time for.