Sunday, November 22, 2009

Perfectly Lonely

I'm completely obsessed with John Mayer's newest album, Battle Studies. I love it. It's great.You should listen to it. I can burn it for you if you want. Just let me know. I have about five favorites, but the song I stole the title from is track 10. John just totally gets me. I am perfectly lonely. "Cause I don't belong to anyone and nobody belongs to me" I like the title as much as any other lyric in the song, though. It says what I'm feeling better than I can express it any other way. Yes, I'm alone, but I'm pretty good with that right now. Not to say that I'll feel that way forever, because we all know I want the white picket fence and the happily ever after, but right now as I type this, I am perfectly lonely.

Now that being said, I am dabbling in the world of dating which definitely sounds a lot more fun than it really is. I've got a couple guys I've been talking to, but nothing serious obviously. And I've been primarily meeting these guys online (which despite anyone's best efforts still carries a stigma) The rules are different when you "meet" somebody on a dating site. There's no real obligation to call. It's not like a friend of a friend where your friend is going to call their friend and check up to see how the date went. If you don't like somebody, you just don't call back. At least that's what I've found and done. Now that I think about it, maybe that's just a precedent that I'm setting. But the whole thing's a lot of work and I certainly don't have the time to let every guy I don't like down gently. On top of's like you can jump in and out of this thing whenever you want. I had a guy call me like 3 weeks ago then say he'd call me later that day, he never called, then he texts me the other day - literally 3 weeks after he was supposed to call me. And I guess this is acceptable behavior in this situation. I don't know. I wasn't super attached after the first round of text messaging a few weeks back so I wasn't crushed when I didn't hear from him. Actually, my favorite thing about him right now is the fact that his name is Jesse and I think it'd be fun to be Jesse's Girl. I've had a renewed love of that song ever since Rick Springfield guest starred on Californication a few weeks ago. If you get Showtime, watch it on demand. Very funny. So he's got the name thing going for him, but so far that's about it. Oh and there's a lot of e-mailing/texting involved in this online dating game so you really have to be on it. I really need somebody that can hold their own in a witty e-mail exchange. And grammar counts. I can't stand when people e-mail me and make grammatical and/or spelling errors. I totally judge for that so take the time and run a spell check before you hit send. All in all the whole thing's exhausting and so far not worth it, but ya never know. As always, I'll keep you posted.

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