Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dream a little dream...

I dream a lot. Well, I guess they say that everybody dreams, but not everybody remembers their dreams. I do. Vividly. I have these crazy, realistic, vivid dreams every night. I don't know what that's about. Or what they mean. My dream last night starred this guy I knew in high school, briefly, and haven't seen in 10 years. He's not even on the facebook so where did that come from?? My subconscious is so random! So, in the dream, I was picking Josh up from jail. But it wasn't real jail...I mean it was, but I guess I don't know what real jail looks like so I made up some dumbed down version on some random college campus that doesn't exist. We carried all of his stuff (the stuff he apparently had on him when he got taken to jail - details are starting to get fuzzy) across campus to the dorm room we were staying in. A dorm room that looked like no dorm room I've ever been in, by the way. That's really all I remember. I remembered more when I first woke up, but it's been a couple hours now and like I said, things start to get really fuzzy. But how random is that. First, if you knew this Josh, you would know he was so not the type to ever go to jail. And how weird is it that my brain pulled him of all people out to play the male lead in this movie. I always remember things like they are real when I first wake up. When it's a good dream, I sometimes wake up and feel like i can go back. Sometimes I can, but usually when it's over, it's over. I think I've always dreamed like this. I remember having these real dreams as a little girl. I wonder what that means about me. And what could I learn about myself from these dreams. But these dreams that I have don't seem to be symbolic like dreams you hear about people analyzing. They are just movies, starring me, that I watch while I sleep.

Is this weird? Does anybody else dream like this? Most people who don't dream a lot (or at least don't remember their dreams like I do) think it's weird. To me, it's normal and I rather enjoy it.


Bri said...

I have very vivid dreams, too. And, whenever I tell someone about them and I am all excited about it, they usually think that I am crazy, or they tell me I am stupid and no one cares (okay, only Jake says that.) Sometimes my dreams are so vivid that I end up harboring emotions about them for days. It is weird.

Karli said...

Me too!!

leslie said...

I dream like that too! Especially when I have taken cold medicine or had caffiene! They can get really crazy!

Jillsy said...

I have really cool dreams. Like in mansions annd stuff. You know,like that old show from the 80's, Dynasty. Sometimes I have a dream about a party or a gathering and in the corner is sitting one of my parents. They are both dead by the way. Weird,but cool!