Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Tangerine Wall: Part II

I did it again. I painted my room orange, again. (See: It makes me happy. Be, Do, Have. That's a philosophy on how to get what you want by being happy with what you have....sort of. Anyway, I'm being and doing so someday, I'll have what I want. The tangerine wall was something I could do today (I already had the paint so it didn't cost me anything) and it makes a huge difference in my overall well-being.

OK, I know. I'm not super funny today, but my room's looking more like a real room. It was so white before. I hated it. It's much brighter now. You'll have to read the original Tangerine post to see why I chose the color in the first place, but here's my room!


Soups said...

I got to vote twice and now it's tied.

Karli said...

Cheater! My mom's gonna have to get on the horn and round up the troops to get blonde back on top. :-)

leslie said...

love the wall!!!