Sunday, January 10, 2010

ADD Post

I keep thinking of things I want to write about, but I never make it all the way over here to write. For example, the day that it snowed so much I had this great snow day post all thought out, but when I got on to write it, I discovered Bri's Snow Day post which was a video of Abe and Sam. How am I supposed to compete with babies?!? I can't do it. So that was hardly fair. But even though I had to work and everybody was overly stressed for no valid reason, I had a pretty good day. The highlight was definitely the couple who braved the elements to come in to look for an apartment that they need in July! What made this great and not as obnoxious as it should have been was the fact that every year we get that one really bad snowy day when nobody's out, but somehow that one couple who didn't have to work because the roads were too bad manages to make it to your front door (maybe they had snow shoes) to start their summer apartment search. You should know that due to the way we operate our business, it is at least a little annoying any time somebody comes in looking for an apartment more than 2 months in advance because we don't know what's available that far ahead therefore can't make the sale and the best we can really do is tell them to come back later. That morning I was talking to a guy I used to work with at Scandia, on facebook, about how happy we were to be at work and how we were sure nobody would come in. And we joked about how we knew somebody would come in looking for an apartment in July because it always happens and it's so funny, but honestly, I didn't think it would happen that day because the roads were just too bad. Nobody was out at all, but sure enough come 1:00, there they were. I couldn't help but laugh out loud when they told me they weren't moving until July. I will admit that it got less funny when I actually had to walk out in the snow to show them the apartment, but it kinda made my day just the same. So I wanted to write about that and then I wanted to write about Tilly's obedience school because she's officially registered and starts class in 2 weeks. Now when I wanted to write about this, she was behaving much better than normal because of the new "pincher collar"(it's perfectly safe and doesn't hurt her too much so don't feel sorry for her - she's bad) that I purchased for class. But unfortunately, since then she's reverted back to her old ways a little bit after apparently realizing that the collar doesn't magically punish her when she misbehaves and I actually have to get up off the couch to yank the lead and she can typically outrun me and avoid that. So I'm hoping to learn something in obedience school. I'm still thoroughly enjoying my X-Box and rewatching all of Lost. My anticipation for the final season is growing by the day.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I really have NOTHING to say about this post. I just wanted to comment so you would know that i FINALLY read your blog for the very first time! So there u go, sis.