Monday, February 1, 2010

High School Reunion

I've been watching High School Reunion on TV Land because I'm on a constant quest to fill my DVR. After the first episode, I couldn't believe how catty the girls were and how everybody seemed to result back to their high school selves. Initially, I blamed the people they choose to be on these shows. Obviously, if they're still single and willing to be on a 3rd rate reality show at 40, they have issues.

After ten years, I've have had a change of heart. Here's the deal...we all know that I played volleyball in high school, and that I use the word played loosely. Our volleyball team won State three of the four years I was in high school. I was on the JV squad two of those years, but I still felt like as much a part of the team as anybody else, and I was never worried about playing or not playing. Things changed a couple years ago when the school decided to recognize the first state championship at a basketball game for the 10 year anniversary. I, of course, wasn't technically a part of that team. So now it matters. FF to now, they're recognizing the team that I was on so I'm invited. Now that I'm going, it's like I'm back in high school all over again. All the good players are getting together before the game and I wasn't invited. I don't necessarily want to go, but I don't like them having the power to decide that I'm not worth inviting. I completely happy with who I am, but somehow now feel inadequate because I wasn't a starter for the best volleyball team in the state 10 years ago. How stupid is that? So there's something about being thrown back to high school that makes you feel like you're in high school. I'm going to cut the Summer Girls on High School Reunion a little slack, and hopefully I get over this before my actual reunion this summer.

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