Thursday, February 18, 2010


It's day two of Lent, for which I gave up Facebook. I deactivated my account the night before last and will not reactivate it until after Easter. It's not so bad, but I'm having a hard time finding things to do at work. I've actually been working, which is completely out of character for me. Even with all of the working I've been doing, I still end up with hours of nothing which has led me to online shopping. I'm afraid I'm going to spend all my money. I bought a vacuum cleaner on woot today for $40 that I feel pretty good about. Retails for like $80, and Tilly and I just killed the last one with all of our hair. Our bad. I definitely think that I spent too much time on the facebook and some time off will do me good. What I hated was that I would just stare at the screen. After having read everyone's status and looked at all the pictures I cared to see, I was still staring just waiting on something new to appear....which eventually did happen...but still that's too much. It's been a bit of a struggle, but I assume it will get easier with time. Breaking a habit takes a little bit of time. What I'm afraid won't go away is how disconnected I feel. I'm not sure that the connectedness I get from Facebook is valid, but that false connection is something compared to the darkness I'm experiencing now. I have no idea what hundreds of people I don't talk to in real life are doing right now. Can you even imagine?!? My only hope is that this disconnection from the virtual world will somehow help me connect to the real world... I don't know that that makes sense or is possible, but I'll keep you all abreast on my progress.

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