Tuesday, March 9, 2010

In Like A Lamb...

Well, it's March already. We're almost halfway through March, really, if you can believe it. So far March has been pretty awesome and my drug of choice is sunshine. How great has all this sunshine been?!? I love it. I even love it when the sunshine leaves and the rain comes because it's spring rain not winter rain. Yes, there is definitely a difference and it's big. Obviously it's warmer now which makes the rain more tolerable, but it also smells different. What is that? Everyone knows what spring smells like, but what exactly is it. Ordinarily I would respond to that question by saying that it's all the new things growing and being born and all that, but I don't really think we're there yet. Under the sunshine and spring rain, it still looks pretty dead, however we still get that springy smell after the rain. One of God's mysteries, I suppose. If somebody knows the actual source of this springtime smell, don't tell me. I don't really want to know. I'm a man of faith. (Note the not-so-subtle Lost reference.)

So things seem to be falling into place in my life, which makes me happy. I don't want to jinx anything, but I'll fill you in later. I'm definitely excited about the next couple months, etc. :-) Oh! And one other thing I want to talk about which is really off topic so sorry. Google Calendar. So cool. OK, so it's just a calendar...not like a magic calendar, but I can sync it up with my friends and family's calendars so I know what everybody is doing at all times. And if I had any sort of smart phone, I'd probably be able to sync it up with that, too, but I still have a phone that limits me to talking to people and sending the occasional text message. If anyone is currently using google calendar or wants to start one and wants to sync up with me, let me know. I'd be happy to share all of my happenings.

So this brings me to the ominous part of my post. It's been said that March comes in and goes out like a Lion and a Lamb. For example, I remember last year we had a big storm the first week of March and by the end of the month it was nice. So we (at least me) said that March came in like a Lion and out like a Lamb. I wasn't going to explain all that, and I feel like it might take away from the integrity of the post, but I'm not sure everybody is as familiar with the saying as I am. So anyway, this March has been really great, which leads me to assume we've got something bad coming. Since March came in like a Lamb, it has no choice to go out like a Lion. I suggest you prepare yourselves....But maybe it'll just be like a baby lion and we can breeze right through it into our April Showers and May Flowers.

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