Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What if...

I always do this. The times when I have the most to say, I say none of it. At least not publicly. That's the problem. I like writing about what's going on in my life, but sometimes I feel like it affects too many other people to make it public without having them all sign a waiver. Maybe I should just have everyone sign a waiver now so if at any point I feel like using their likeness, I can do so without guilt or legal implications. So what if I wrote everything I was thinking? You would all think I was crazy, for one. For another, nobody really needs to know everything that anybody is thinking. That can't be healthy. This is what anybody who can read minds would tell you. There are some things you really don't want to know. On that note, I won't delve too deep into my psyche, but I am feeling a little overwhelmed by life at the moment. This is fairly uncharacteristic for me. I'm usually pretty easy going and take things as they come, one day at a time. I can't quite put my finger on the source of this stress, but I am feeling pressure from a lot of different directions and all I really want to do is hide. Daylight Savings Time is keeping me from going home and going to bed at 7.  (Don't get me wrong, I could still do it, but I feel bad when the sun is still shining.) Long story short, I'm just trying to figure out what the future's going to look like, what it's supposed to look like, what I want it to look like and how to get there. I'll keep ya posted.

1 comment:

Sessie said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I question myself a ridiculous amount of time daily on that topic. I really hate it.