Saturday, April 3, 2010


I understand when Bengals, Bears or Browns fans get mad at people during football season for jumping on the Colts bandwagon. I don't agree with it, but I understand. If you've stuck by your team through more downs than ups, you're bound to be a little bitter. Well, the NCAA men's basketball Final Four starts tonight, right here in town, and Indiana's got a team playing. And it's Butler. Not a lot of people saw that coming. Probably because we weren't watching. So the city is excited. It's all over the news, bars are now full of new Butler fans, they're selling t-shirts at CVS, the list goes on. Well, I just saw on facebook (yeah, Lent's over so I'm back on facebook) a Butler grad complaining because everybody is jumping on the Butler Bandwagon. I have a couple of issues with this...1)It's your team...don't you want people to cheer for them?? and 2) When did it become wrong to root for the home team? Everybody else's teams lost so we're cheering for yours. You're welcome! I've never claimed to be a die-hard Butler Bulldog fan, but I'm excited that they made it this far and would love to see them win the thing. The home team thing relates to Colt's fans too, but I'll save that for fall.

Go Bulldogs!

1 comment:

Robby said...

I have long felt that you get out of something what you put into it. And being a fan of something is no different.

Thats why, to me, it doesn't matter who jumps on a bandwagon or who jumps off. If your team wins, it feels as good as it feels bad when your team loses (if that makes sense). And this internal emotion is at the core of your soul and can't simply be tinkered with with a conscious choice (kind of like how you dont make a choice on whether you like a song or not...or who you fall in love with or just do). This makes sports bs proof.

I guess what I am trying to say is you can't decide who you're a fan of...your heart makes it for you. And those people who become a fan of the team for the wrong reasons (because its popular, to provoke jealousy, etc) won't come close to enjoying the true euphoria of vicotry.

So I agree with you. It's not up to someone else to tell you who you can be a fan of. I am totally rooting for Butler and I hope they win...but I won't lose sleep if they lose...which means I won't be out celebrating if they win.