Friday, April 30, 2010

Really Oprah, Really?

Let me preface this by saying that I have always been an Oprah fan. I watched religiously through the 90's and even through college I was pretty dedicated. With the introduction of the DVR and my introduction into the working world, I've drifted away from Oprah's circle of influence. That brings me to my issue with Oprah right now. Her newest gift to America....Oprah's No Phone Zone (http:// Don't get me wrong...this is not a terrible idea. I can't say that I'm pro-distracted driving because that's like saying I'm pro murder or something, but what I am saying is that Oprah is not the person to push this on me. She has zero credibility on the subject. Do you really think the woman has driven herself anywhere in the last 20 years?!? No way. I doubt she still holds a valid license. She's just sitting in the back seat of her fancy town car texting Gayle about what suckers the American people are - driving themselves around not talking on their phones. Aside from having no credibility, she doesn't have a viable solution. The no-phone zone is the abstinence method of distracted driving. There's no way everybody is just going to stop using their phones. Now if somebody with a 45 minute commute came out and met me halfway, I might be able to get on board, but this is just Oprah seeing what kind of ridiculous stuff she can get us to do.


Bri said...

I would like to politely disagree with you on this. I actually agree with Oprah. As a person living with someone with a total aversion to all new technology (esp. cell phones), I know that driving a 45 minute commute without talking on a cell phone can be done. I mean, we didn't grow up with cell phones and we were able to take long road trips without them. Also, in the past year I have almost been hit countless times, and the person is ALWAYS on their cell phone. I am not saying I don't talk on mine, but I think it is good to try to get people to think about it. And texting on the phone, RIDICULOUS. You might as well try to shave your legs and read the newspaper. Oprah can be annoying with her "campaigning" but if it can get some people to think twice before they text someone while zooming down 465, AMEN. (Also, I think she has 2 different pledges -- one is no texting while driving, and one is no cell phones at all.)

I feel like a crazy old lady that hates "the Facebook" and "the internet" but I think she is onto something.

Just my two cents :)

Karli said...

OK, I don't disagree completely. I do think it's a little ridick to text while driving. What bothers me is the fact that Oprah is spear-heading this movement while it hardly affects her. Which could be good, but it's the fact that I don't feel like she really knows what she's talking about that gets me.

Bri said...

Yeah, I see what you are saying. But, putting it that way, the only thing she knows about is being rich and gaining and losing weight (BURN!). She also knows about Tra-vo-vo. He's in the BUILDIIIIIINNNNNNNGGG!

Ashlee, That's Me said...

Karli, I couldnt have said it better myself. I remember having this same discussion with someone at work. Its a great campaign I agree, I am guilty of both texting while driving and talking on the phone while driving and have gotten lucky that I haven't hurt anyone in the process. I just don't think Oprah makes sense and as powerful as she is, I don't think people are going to listen to her when it comes to all things driving.

However, the more I think about it, I don't know that there is such a thing as a good spokesperson for this cause because most people with the power to persuade peope to change their ways are celebrities like Oprah who probably don't drive. However, surely there is someone out there that has kids that drive that might be able to co-chair the cause, or whatever.

Ashlee, That's Me said...

Mom read this post and my comment and is very upset that I admitted to texting and driving. So I have to say I am using this blog to pledge to never text, read email, or update my facebook status from my phone while driving. Who needs Oprah when you have a great Mom, like ours!

Anonymous said...

I love Ashlee's second comment.

Bri said...

Hmmm, I think Oprah has done her job :)ant