Friday, April 16, 2010

I Heart Aldi....and some other stuff

I've recently become fairly obsessed with Aldi...the grocery store. (1. I'm constantly tempted to call it Aldi's, but I think that's just the Hoosier in me and 2. one of my favorite things about Aldi is the fact that it is a grocery store and nothing else). Let me back up just a minute...I've always been a bit of a shopping snob. I don't like digging through clearance bins, I don't like generic canned goods, I like things to look nice and new when I purchase them. That being said, you can imagine why I had never stepped foot in an Aldi until recently. It gets a bad rep as a low-end grocery store...shockingly, I've even heard some refer to it as WT shopping. Well, the facts are that it's not WT at all. It's brilliant! They only have groceries so it's quick and easy to find what you need. They have great produce and cheap wine. The best part is that when I walk out of there I typically spend HALF of what I would spend at Wal-mart...not to mention what I'd spend at Marsh. I'd like to give a quick shout out to Aaron for introducing me to this amazing environmentally and economically friendly shopping center. :-)

OK, I'm getting bored with this entry already, but I want to also mention how impressed I am with Bluebell ice cream. Well, more specifically Bluebell's marketing team. The ice cream is good, but not necessarily the best ice cream ever. But this marketing campaign I love. Bluebell Ice Cream - Now available in Indianapolis. They are rolling it out like it's a car or cd or something cooler that I can't think of right now....and believe it or not, it's totally working. There is a definite buzz around Bluebell Ice Cream in Indianapolis right now. So much so, that I witnessed a women at Meijer visibly distraught....practically throwing a fit because the Bluebell was so picked over. If it hadn't been after 10 pm, I might have thought she was planted there by Bluebell. So Kudos to Bluebell.

And I have one more prop to give out Brand new newsletter dedicated to cool stuff going on in Indy. Love it. :-) OK, that's all for now. Yay for it being Friday!

1 comment:

Bri said...

Did you know that Aldi(s) is owned by the same people that own Trader Joes? That's right --

Also, thanks for the Indy Spectator shout out!