Monday, April 26, 2010

Under Pressure

So much pressure. I'm feeling pressure about a lot of things, but most importantly, to write more. This pressure is mostly brought on by myself, but still... And now I'm finding more and more friends with blogs that just really adds to the pressure to not only write more but to write better. I feel like I write better when I live by the quantity over quality mantra.....If I'm just firing out short little blogs, they tend to be more entertaining. Probably just because there is less room for it to suck.

Anyway, I think if I get this filler entry out of the way I'll be able to write something worthwhile without all the pressure. In the meantime, check these out....,,, http://, Some are more public than others. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who has ever read Ashlee's so sorry for that. Time to step it up! :-)

I'll have more to report in a few weeks. So many secrets! :-)

1 comment:

Sessie said...

yay what a pretty background! im not seeing spots after reading now! =)