Thursday, July 26, 2012

Some Beach

With only days to go before I'll be laying on the beach, I've been scrambling to get everything ready. I dropped Tilly off at the vet this morning, got my car half loaded, but still have to put most of my things in a suitcase and have been hustling at work all week to get everything done so nobody's cursing my name next week for not having everything done. All of this has made me more ready for a break than I've been in when I heard this song on the radio, I laughed. Not because it's another country wordplay song (although the irony of writing about this song after criticizing the trend last week is not lost on me), but because this is how I feel this week. I'm MORE than ready to be on some beach somewhere.


Bri said...

Wait. Is that Blake Shelton's real hair??

Karli said...

Yeah...that's what he looked like before he was cool. I think it really authenticated him. :-)