Thursday, June 5, 2008

Did he really have to take the Wii?

Two hours after returning home (and I am using the word home kind of loosely here) and realizing that Mark took the Wii, I am reflecting on how big of a deal this actually was. I think I may have overreacted. I reacted, and for me that usually can be classified as an overreaction. But I just didn't expect him to take the Wii. I didn't expect him to come today, and maybe I didn't expect him to come ever. I don't know. He's been gone now for almost two weeks. That doesn't really sound like a long time, and in some ways it hasn't seemed long, but in others its seemed like much longer. You know the whole thing has come as a bit of a shock. Some days it's still shocking....some days it's not. I think I'm still mostly in denial though. This is not something you plan, and I was always a planner. A planner in a broad, this is how my life will go kind of way as opposed to a day planner kind of way. I've never been big on day planners, although I enjoy picking them out at Borders, I'm not so good at using them. Anyway, I thought I'd go to college, fall in love, get married, buy a house, settle down and have babies. I thought that all of this would happen by the time I was 26. Take a stab at how old I am now?? That's right, 26. So, obviously not the way I thought I'd be spending my 26th year. No babies, no house, no husband, and no Wii.

Yeah, let's get back to the Wii. I just really wanted the Wii. I assume that eventually Mark will take the TV, both Xboxes, the surround sound, the PS2, and every other electronic we own. I just wanted the Wii. The Wii is so me. I am so Wii. I guess I can buy my own Wii, but I want that one! It's a matter of principle, really. We all knew he would take his XBox. Nobody can stand between that boy and his 360, but the Wii? Seriously? He knew I would want the Wii. He came when I wasn't here and he kidnapped the Wii. I'm surprised there's not a ransom note somewhere. A line was crossed tonight. A line I was hoping we wouldn't have to cross.

So yeah, I'm a little sad tonight. I think the custody of the Wii makes the whole separation real. I have good days and bad days. Today would probably be a bad day. Well, it's probably not a pass/fail system. Today's probably a C-. And, I think it was a solid C before the Wii incident. I'm fighting for that Wii. Stay tuned...

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