Thursday, June 12, 2008

Divorce: FAQs

I'd like to start by saying that overall, I am feeling more upbeat this week than I did last week. I hope it lasts. Mark and I are meeting tonight to discuss things. I'm so not excited about it. Maybe he'll bring the Wii with him. There's always a silver lining. At least I'm holding on to my optimism. I don't know what the next step is for us. We are in uncharted waters here. I've never navigated a divorce before. At least not my own. I have a few questions.

1) How long does it take to get a divorce?
I'm in kind of a hurry, and would hate to drag this thing out more than I have to.

2) How much does it cost?
Not only am I in a hurry, but I don't want to spend any money. With so many people getting divorces these days, you would think it would drive the cost down. That's just simple economics.

3) Does it hurt?
I know this one is kind of a no brainer, but I just don't know how much more hurt I can take.

4) What's next?
What does a person do after they are divorced? Of all the scenarios I've thought uot for my life, I am feeling very unprepared for this one. Is there anybody out there who doesn't check 'Never been married' under preferences on their profile?

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