Monday, June 9, 2008

Why is my life so depressing?

So let's talk about how much I hate how much my life sucks right now. I'm ready to skip to the part when my life rocks. I'm not really in the mood to be funny right now. I'm ready to be funny, though... I think it's funny, dorky funny, that Ashlee loves when anyone plays volleyball on TV because it's always so bad. I think it's sweet funny that my dad wants to make sure I change my name back as soon as I can. And, I think it's sucky funny that I can't think of anything else that's funny.

I don't know how to do this. I don't feel like myself. I am way more fun than this. Thank goodness nobody reads this yet. When you all do start reading this, fortunately it'll be short enough you can skim right over it. So while it seems boring and depressing now, in the future it we'll be able to see it as a small piece of a larger puzzle that is my road to happiness. Without the valleys we wouldn't be able to appreciate the peaks... I'll try to be funnier next time.

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