Saturday, July 17, 2010


This is one of the things I rant about at every concert I go to. I hate encores, and I really don't get how I am the only one. I don't hate the idea behind the encore. In the rare instance that a truly spontaneous encore still occurs, I have no issue with that. I guess I should clarify then and say that I hate the planned encore, which has become the norm in popular music today. Here's why I hate it. I am usually tired by the end of a concert and have no patience for the BS of it. The screaming while we wait for the artist to come back out when everybody knows they're coming. Just keep playing! We know you're coming back out. It doesn't make me any more excited. It just makes me mad. It's an ego thing. Get over it. We all paid money to be here and watch you play, okay? You're good. There is no need to pretend to quit playing just so we'll all yell for more. Really, at this point, it doesn't even mean that people like you because it is expected of us just like it's expected of you. I cheer, but not because I need more music, but because there's nothing else to do for those 3-5 minutes, standing in the dark. The whole thing is false. Now I have been at shows where you feel like you've seen a full show and the fans still really do want more (and not just because the artist saved their most popular song for the encore so you'd stay) so I will go out on a limb here and say that I am OK with the second encore. People don't usually plan a second encore so if after the first encore, the fans are still screaming for more and the artist comes back and plays then that seems legit. I just want my live music experience to be authentic, and the encore ruins that for me.

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