Friday, July 23, 2010

Improv Writing: Pickles...

I was just given the topic Pickles because I thought I should write something, but didn't know what to write about. I'm writing about pickles.

I usually take the pickles off my hamburger, but I think that is mostly because it's what I've always done. A lot of people don't like pickles, and yet every restaurant in the country still puts them on every hamburger you order. What's that about??

I don't really like pickles, but I occasionally crave them. Any time that I see a great big pickle wrapped in some kind of pickle wrapping or wax paper or paper towel, I want it. Then when I get the pickle and take a bite it's not really as good as I thought it would be. That's always disappointing.

To end this randomness, let me talk about one way that you can never go wrong with a pickle. Fry it. This is true of most things, actually, but when you fry a pickle it turns into something amazing. Also, pickles are funny looking.

Shondell Out.

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