Monday, July 5, 2010

Quantity Over Quality

So this happens every couple of months....the posts start to slow and then eventually stop altogether. This is obviously a problem for all of my devoted readers who check in occasionally looking for my wit and wisdom. Well, when I stop posting, they stop checking and the system breaks down. On top of all of my long-time readers, I have been really plugging the blog at school to all of my fellow fellows (we like to say that), but if they ever do get on they are going to be terribly disappointed to see that I have been doing a lot more marketing than writing. So the best remedy that I have found for this is to just write about nothing. The longer I wait to write, the more pressure builds and the task becomes too daunting so I just skip it. So it's quantity over quality for now. I'll just write whenever I think of anything to write about. It might just be a paragraph or a sentence and it might be stupid, but it takes the pressure off and eventually I'll get back in my groove. I've been busy, but things are starting to slow down (at least for a minute) so hopefully I will be able to get back on it.

Weekend Update: Tilly and I enjoyed a long holiday weekend, although I think she was a little over all the quality time we were spending together by this afternoon when she willingly, for the first time ever, went to her crate and shut the door behind her. She only stayed for about 15 minutes before coming back out...maybe that's all the time she needed. Anyway, I didn't do too much celebrating. We went to Lafayette Saturday and hung out with Lindsay then went to Uncle Mike and Aunt Kathy's on Sunday for the Fourth where Tilly learned to swim. It was very exciting for everyone. Currently, I am sitting here drinking sparkling wine out of a Stella Artois glass while Tilly barks at nothing outside. I'll write tomorrow about more nothingness.

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