Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's Tuesday, right?

I know it's Wednesday and I'm sorry. I was sick yesterday and didn't do much of anything. I still have a touch of a fever, but I have to go to work because the owners are coming and Joey just won't know what to do if I'm not there. :-) So I'm toughing it out.

It's almost Halloween and this is the most thought I've given it so far. I'm not real big on dressing up and I clearly don't have any plans so I'm just not worrying about it. Maybe something will come up, maybe it won't. Whatev. My fall back is always the animal ears. Oh and I have those awesome hippy pants that I made last year (that's right, made). OK, now I kind of want to do somthing. :-) There wasn't a lot of photographic evidence of those pants last year so I'd like to wear them again. On that note, if anybody is doing anything or wants to do anything, let me know. There is a volleyball match that night so I could just go to Lafayette for that and avoid the whole "what to do?" fiasco. I kind of want to dress Tilly up. Maybe I'll make her a hippy outfit to match mine! How cute would that be?!? Or lame, but whatever.

1 comment:

Ashlee, That's Me said...

hate to bust your bubble but I was kinda planning on wearing your amazing hippie pants. Let me know if i need to find a new costume.