Thursday, October 15, 2009

Throw me a bone!

I'm making a real effort to write more. I've gone to more of a quantity over quality approach, and am posting more shorter entries. I feel like this is working for me and we're getting some entertaining stuff. It's not all brilliant, but it doesn't have to be because I'm writing so much more. It's a lot less pressure which I love. The problem is that I'm not getting any feedback. You all know there is a place for comments. If you don't feel comfortable posting so publicly, feel free to shoot me an email or a text. I would just like to know somebody is reading besides Ashlee.

Now that that's out of the way. Not a lot of other news. We went and visited Lindsay last weekend. It was fun. So good to see Lindsay! And nice to have a couple days off. Also, my dad just called to invite me down to Florida in December (Don't freak out, Ash! Call me and I'll fill you in) I am so excited and think I might actually be able to get off work and make it happen. The beach is just what I need! Also a good motivator to lose some weight. I'm feeling fat. Especially after finding a picture from 4 years ago when I was so cute. And we're getting a tanning bed in the clubhouse for residents (i.e. me) to use for free. So hopefully by Dec. 16 I'll be skinny AND tan. It doesn't get much better than that! OK, I'm gonna go color my hair. Maybe leave a comment. Let me know you're out there.


Soups said...

"Insert positiv reinforcement here."

leslie said...

i read!