Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Card Question

So I ordered these Christmas cards with a picture of me and Tilly. (NOTE: This is not an opportunity to tell me how lame it is to send out a card with a picture of me and my dog!) Well, once the cards arrived, I realized that the photo I chose may be a little too cleavagey.

I'm torn because I want your opinion on the appropriateness of this photo card, but I don't want to post the picture because it would ruin the surprise when this card appears in your mailbox. So if you are able, without actually seeing the picture, weigh in on how bad it would be to send these cards out to all my friends and family. If it helps, the picture is from the same photo shoot as a facebook profile picture I posted a few weeks back of me and Till. In the card photo, I'm leaning over so you, the photo viewer, are kind of looking down my shirt.

Once the cards arrived, I decided it was too questionable to risk sending out and thought I'd just take another picture and order new cards. The problem is that now it's time to send cards out and I don't have a new picture. It would just be so much easier to just send out the ones I have.

So I'm asking you all to tell me what you think. Would you or your family be offended by a christmas card picture with a little more cleavage than you were expecting? Let me know what you think.


Bri said...

Hello Karli -- First time commenter :) This dilemma reminds me of a Seinfeld episode the time Elaine sent out Christmas cards with her nipple showing. I am not sure if that really helps, but I think it makes a really good story.

Anyways, Here is an option -- what about putting a sticker over the cleavage? I mean, not in an obvious "this is censored" sort of way, but in a, "here's some extra Christmas cheer with this sticker of snowman" sort of way.

If that doesn't work, then I say send it out. Maybe you could cut the people from your list that may be offended (like your Great Uncle Olaf) or somethign. ANd send them a regular card :)

leslie said...

i thought it was a cute picture, and it's not lame to have a picture of you and tilly. i have done that with Gabby in the past. This year i would send out cards, but i'm really not in the mood for christmas this year. that sounds awful. Anyhow, thanks for the card! ps... 28 sucks really. ha.