Sunday, December 6, 2009

John 14:13

There's this guy - some might call him a bum - who stands on the corner of 96th and Allisonville (right across the street from Riverwood), begging for money with a sign that reads "Family Facing Eviction: Anything Helps". He's out there every month. The first time I saw him, I felt a little bad, but also laughed to myself (imagine an evil laugh) because I could have easily been evicting him. And unfortunately, due to the nature of my job, I have very little sympathy for people who don't/can't pay their rent. I know that is terrible, but it's true. Well now, the guy's out there every month, which only makes me like him less. I imagine he does pretty well on that corner. Just takes him a couple days to make all of his rent money. Not a bad gig, if you think about it. Actually, when you think about it that way, I've got a couple residents I'm going to send out there. Now the guy's out there again (he's probably cleaning up with all the holiday traffic). He even looks a little bit like Santa Claus which is definitely not hurting his cause. So today I find out that not only is he jolly, but he's also spreading the word of God. Apparently, the man is passing out homemade worry stones (or rocks). The man is obviously stealing smooth landscaping rocks from the apartment community that he owes money to, and writing bible verses on them. He's passing these out to people who give him money. Now that's a classy bum!

Shondell Out!

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