Saturday, December 26, 2009

Instant Gratifaction

Patience is a Virtue. Or so they say. I suppose that is true, but it is so hard for me. I am so impatient. I know it's awful, but it's true. I am 27 years old and I couldn't sleep the night before Christmas. What is that?? I've always been this way. Now Christmas is over and I can't wait for Spring. Christmas - Check, Why is it still cold? Oh, because I have to wait 5 months for warmer weather. Seriously? It's just awful.

And society isn't helping me any. First there are the cliches like fast food and cell phones. We can't wait for anything. But now we have On Demand and video streaming. I just got an X-Box and can stream hundreds of movies and TV shows from Netflix to watch instantly. It's unbelievable. I'm obsessed with it. I decided I might as well go back and watch all 5 seasons of Lost before the premier in a month. Might as's right there. So we've gone from having to wait until a show we liked was actually on TV, to the incredible advancement of TV on DVD which was taken a step further by rental stores. Then we couldn't bother to get up to go to the store so we created Netflix and Blockbuster Online so they would come straight to our mailbox. And now, it's right there, magically waiting for me inside my television. I'm now left to suffer through the last 25 minutes of my work day (don't even get me started on the fact that I'm working the day after Christmas because people can't wait until Monday to see an apartment, pay rent, etc.)until I get home to House of the Rising Sun.

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