Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Games People Play

I know I'm starting to sound like a boring Carrie Bradshaw column and for that I'm sorry. I'll try to spice it up a bit, but for now I'm venting some more. I'm just sick of all the BS game playing. I don't understand why it's necessary. You meet someone and either you like them or you don't. You like each other, you hang out. You don't, you don't. I think it should basically be that simple. Maybe I'm way off base and the game-playing is in fact just a part of our culture...Like saying please and thank you. If that's the case, I need to get better at it. I'm good at meeting people and flirting. I'm also good at being someones girlfriend. I am not good at the wait 3 days to call and don't text until texted game that gets you from point A to C. This is what frustrates me.

So, after several text messages, e-mails and rainchecks, I finally went out with Jesse... And I am sorry to report that I don't think I will becoming Jesse's girl any time soon. I apologize for getting everyone's hopes up, but it doesn't seem to be meant to be. After literally months of communicating primarily via text message, we found a time to meet when we were both available (obviously, I am terribly busy rarely have time for something as trivial as dating...my dvr is way too full for that). So we went to the Ale Emporium, my favorite restaurant/bar and had a good time. I looked gorgeous and was pretty hilarious although maybe a little on the loud side, as you can maybe imagine. Now I had a curfew for this date because I had to pick Aaron up at the airport at 9, which means I virtually turned back into a pumpkin at 8:30 because that is about when I should have left Ale, but that still gave us a good 2 hours to get to know each other which I thought was sufficient for a first date. He looked just like his pictures, which I was a little suspicious about since I'd been talking to him for so long and never seen him (I was starting to doubt his existence). He was a really nice guy - smart, funny, etc., but there really was no spark as they say. Still, I'd decided that I'd go out with him again if he was interested. So I leave a little before 9, albeit a little later than I should have, to drive to the airport. We hugged goodbye and that was that. I walked away thinking it was in no way a waste of time, but probably wouldn't amount to much. So really I shouldn't have been surprised when I received a text message at 12:17am that read "I'm guessing no spark. It's ok. You're an awesome girl and if you ever want someone to just throw back some beers after work, I'd show. I think you're pretty cool". The thing about this message is that it almost made me want to fight it. Like wait, no spark? You thought there was no spark? With me? This got me wondering if this was all part of the game. Does he send this just to make me want him? Or is it more of a defensive move? I'll probably never know.

So that's where things are now. Back to the drawing board I guess. I'm just sick of the games people play.

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